Thursday, 19 July 2012

Two short evening sessions


Based on the rain we have had here, I was expecting the river to be down a bit on last week and prospects for chub to be better, so I was somewhat shocked to find it actually up a few inches.  Moreover, the path by the river is now a very liquid mud and is really treacherous to walk along. Nonetheless, I was keen on going fishing and so settled in one of the swims nearest the car for an evening's float fishing after chub.

After about 30 minutes I landed a small roach of about 3oz, so at least I wasn't going to blank!  But a further hour and a half produced no more bites and the mystery of the whereabouts of the chub remains.  Only one decent fish all season in the current poor conditions.


A last minute change of domestic plans opened up the possibility of a short, two hour, evening session.  As the river was higher yesterday, I thought the best chance might actually be to fish for barbel - never a great chance of success on the upper Thames, but given the conditions, possibly my only chance of a good fish.  I had baited a swim last night with hemp, corn and boilies and so planned to fish "bait and wait" in this one swim tonight. 

So I was at the swim by about 7:30.  It was actually a much nicer evening than last night with a decent sunset over the far bank.  It is possible that I had one bite during the evening, but there was also quite a lot of weed coming down and it might have been that. 

Packed up just before dark as the walk back to the car is really difficult in the mud.

The weather forecast now suggests more rain till Friday and then a change in weather towards hot and sunny.  So maybe next week will see improving conditions.  My next planned trip is Tuesday and I will fish much longer sessions once conditions start to improve.

Youtube link:

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