A couple of years ago, I transferred some old videos onto DVDs and then copied them onto one of the external hard drives on the PC. Today's video review is one of my favourite episodes of Go Fishing, the one where John Wilson is fishing for barbel on the Wensum and catches two fish, including an immaculate double from just under a bush on the far bank.
This clip lasts about 10m 40s in total and is made up of 51 seperate clips, for an average of 12 seconds each. Five or six clips are actually quite long, over 30s with a maximum of 54s, but these long clips are the sort I wouldn't be able to take, generally featuring a moving camera recording JW playing a fish. Tremendously exciting, but not possible for me to replicate.
The film also has several shots of fish in the shallow water, also something that I doubt I could replicate.
My next fishing video review will be something from Catching the Impossible - a very different style of fishing programme. Then I will start to summarize my review results so far, and draw up a small checklist of things to remember when I am filming my own fishing.
JW heaving against his double figure barbel - just shows the strain that the tackle can take
Not a bad picture, given that it is a screen capture on a PC from a copy of a video made more than 10 years ago
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