Saturday, 10 March 2012

Preparation for the last few days of the fishing season

I have the chance to fish bits of every day until the end of the season and I've been pondering the various choices. An inventory of bait reveals I have about 4 gallons of prepared hemp, several loaves approaches peak staleness, about 10kg of boilies and six or seven kilos of sweetcorn. So plenty of choices.

Overall, I would like to have at least one session float fishing for chub, at least one using mashed bread for chub and at least one dedicated purely to barbel. So with these in mind I was off to the river this morning at dawn to prep a few swims. I am still focusing on the stretch a few miles downstream from my house rather than Duxford, but might have a trip to Duxford before the season ends?

The first surprise is that the river is already fining down after the rain this week. I had thought it might have stayed up two more days and be fining down on Monday and Tuesday, the days I can fish most. But the colour is fading rapidly and some of the swims I use to test clarity now have visible bottoms. Will that make a difference? Not sure yet.

So I have baited two swims with hemp and sweetcorn for float fishing for chub, and six other swims with hemp and boilies. Tomorrow will be a float fishing session as I only have the morning available. I will also rebait the six swims tomorrow. Monday may well be the barbel day after two days of pre-baiting. Hopefully if there are barbel about, they will have found at least one swim's worth of bait and will recognise it when they see it Monday - if they are there. If not, maybe a big chub would like a boilie.

Nice to be out at dawn before a busy day. Two roe deer, some hares, plenty of birds. Back home by 7:30 as Daughter is home for the weekend and we have sorting out to do for her forthcoming trip to Peru and have nice food to cook throughout the day.

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